Friday 19 December 2014

Weeks 5 & 6: Revision, and the Science Museum!

Week 5 we stayed at home.  It gave us a chance to do some revision, and restock the energy supplies.

We spent the morning reading our Egypt library books (or looking at the pictures anyway) and doing a little writing, and in the afternoon we did a cutting and sticking activity on vertebrates which I found on Pinterest - you can download it here.

The next week, Emily chose Space as our new topic, so we headed off to the Science Museum.  They have a great gallery with a lifesize model of Apollo 11 (see the top of the post), complete with spacemen and moon rocks, but Emily just wasn't interested.  The next gallery caught her attention a bit more and we saw the actual command module of Apollo 10 (below), which has been to the Moon and back!

We tried a little sketching but it wasn't a great success, we got a very uninspiring picture of Sputnik and an interesting take on all the wiring in the rocket engines.

Here's a link to a picture of the engines Emily was sketching.

So we had our lunch early and then headed upstairs to the Launchpad.  There are loads of interactive activities there and it's tons of fun - especially since most of the school parties were at lunch so Emily wasn't outnumbered by much bigger kids.  We turned a handle to generate electricity, which flowed through electrodes in a tank of water, separating it into hydrogen and oxygen, and when enough hydrogen collected at the top of the tank it fired a rocket - very loudly!  We used air to make balls travel uphill, found out how liquids of different viscosity behave differently, (nearly) constructed a self-supporting arch, made a magnet float using a bigger magnet and loads of other great stuff.  We were having such a great time we totally failed to take any photos!

We'll try the space gallery another time - it's much more fun to do whatever is making Emily most enthusiastic and with only one day homeschooling a week, activities that turn into a chore are just not worth it!  This is supposed to be enjoyable after all :)

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